An anti-gravity Compact Disk
Description:- This device capabilities are driven by the principle of gyroscopic precession.
If we rotate anything in plane then it tends to rotate in the same plane if no external force is applied to it.
Key terms related to this project/model:-
- The counterweight continuously rotates which stabilizes this model.
- It overpowers the force of gravity due to the gyroscopic effect.
- The device is portable and easy to make.
How to build?
- First of all collect all the parts such as a CD, a pair of cells, a motor, a counterweight, etc.
- Start with drilling a hole at the center of the counterweight. Note- choose a symmetrical counterweight.
- Stick the motor to CD using a double sided tape or adhesive such that its shaft pops out of the opposite face of compact Disk.
- Stick it to the motor shaft with the help of glue /adhesive.
- Connect terminals of motor with corresponding terminals of D.C power source (here in this case -a set of cells). Remember to put a switch in between.
- Stick all components to the C.D. which acts as a base for all components.
Bill of Material | ||
Component Name | Quantity | Approx. Price ( in rupees) |
An adhesive | 1 | 20 |
A Counterweight | 1 | __ |
Connecting wires | .25 metre | 10 |
An electric cell | 2 | 20 |
An on/off switch | 1 | 5 |
A compact Disc | 1 | 15 |
Total | 70 |

Voila! The project is ready.