How to make automatic plant watering system

Published Apr 21, 2023
 3 hours to build

Activity Overview: In this busy world, Nowadays people usually don’t have time to water their plants. It leads to bad growth and health of the plant. Monitoring the plants health is very important to their growth. For ensuring complete development of plants it is necessary to develop proper surrounding conditions in which plants grow. Not everyone has enough time to take care of their plant in the most efficient way.

display image

Components Used

Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
LCD 16x2 Display Module
LCD16x2 has two lines with 16 character in each line. LCD16x2 is generally used for printing values and string in embedded application.
Relay Module Single Channel
Relay Module Single Channel
AA Battery
AA Battery

Components Required:

Components required to create automatic plant watering system.

Arduino Uno:

      Arduino uno is microcontroller based on ATmega328. It has 20 Input/output pin , reset button and Power port . We can give power to Arduino using power port. We can say it has mini CPU.

Soil Moisture Sensor:

A Soil Moisture Sensor can either use resistance or capacitance to measure the water content present in the soil.


Humidity or Temperature Sensor:

Humidity sensor measure the amount of water vapor present in air.

Temperature sensor is a device used to measure the Temperature.


It work on the principle of an electromagnetic attraction. By giving small amount of current it produce electromagnetic field. Which open or close the circuit. It act as a switch.


Which is used to open or close the circuit



LCD is a display ,which is used to show the Moisture, Temperature and Humidity.


I Have used 7.4volt battery to give power supply for submarine Motor (or) You can use voltage booster to increase voltage .

Submarine Motor:

Submarine motor are used to pull water. It required 6-12 volt to work.


Used to control brightness of a LCD Display.



Before watering the plants to check the moisture if soil. If it is below 35 percentage then motor to On automatically and moisture across 35 percentage,Then the motor to be off automatically.At the same time it can calculate Temperature and Humidity.It will display moisture level of soil, Temperature, Humidity of the atmosphere in the display.

Impact Analysis:

Day by Day water usage increase due to high population. So we need more water for public usage. This system can helpful to avoid more watering for plants and supply required amount of water to the plants and their growth. If more water can spoil the plants



plant watering system Download