According to WHO 39 million people are estimated as blind worldwide in the year 2019. They are suffering a lot of hardship in their daily life. This innovation is to develop a cheap and more efficient object detector to help the visually impaired navigate with greater comfort, speed, confidence and to encourage them to strive further valiantly.
It is designed to overcome the lack of visual sense and hearing sense, by using other senses like sound and touch. It uses audio and vibration signals to notify the user about upcoming hurdles.From our project we can attain upshot like:-
•The person can move anywhere confidently without the help of others.
•As we are using a vibration motor, the user can get notified by the sense of vibration so both deaf and dumb people can use it.
•We have also kept an alarming system, where the user can touch and notify the people around them.
•Our device is user-friendly and efficient.
•It is affordable for everyone. Our budget for making this is Rs3500 and we can afford this for Rs3000 in large scale as a product.
•Also we have used an LDR sensor, where the lights get on automatically when the climate is dark.

We have made glass and stick, these are connected by wireless communication using Bluetooth module(HC05), Ultrasonic sensor is being used to calculate distance accurately. Two HC05 Bluetooth module is made use of, to indulge on the pairing concept of master and slave. Nano Arduino is also being used to make the project compact. SD card module is used to store the audios with greater memory features. Glass acts as transmitter featuring as master whereas stick acts as the receiver featuring the slave.
The work carried out by the receiver side is to detect the object based on the mentioned code and transmit it. On the other hand, touch sensor senses the conductivity and transmits it to the Arduino thereby transmitting it to the receiver. According to the detection of the object by the ultrasonic sensor based on the condition statement ,audio is played according to the distance where the audio is stored in SD card module which is totally customizable.
Glass have a ultrasonic sensor which detects the object We have made three variation in distance like if the object is at 100cm this will notify the user tat the object is detected at the top, if the object is at 50cm it will notify the user that the object is very near at the top. Here the detected signal is passed through the Bluetooth module and send to the receiver side(stick) and the according audio is played from the SD card using speaker. We also have a interesting upshot tat we have a safety button , if the user press the button , the device will alarm and notify the people around the user. This is mainly used for women safety and safety purpose of the user .
In stick, we have a ultrasonic sensor to detect the object which are at ground level. In this also we have variations in distance like if the object is at 100cm, this will notify the user tat the object is detected, if the object is at 50cm it will notify the user that the object is very near. In the stick a speaker is placed through which sound comes.
Thus glass act as transmitter and stick act as receiver. Whatever detected from the glass will be transmitted to the stick and audio is played according to the signal received from transmitter.
We will use raspberry Pie in future, the detection of objects at the fore, regardless of the sort of object, is made easier at just an affordable rate. The interesting fact is that even the emotional state of the person who is afore the user will be conveyed to him/her. Also we will add dent/groove detection and rain detection which will make our device more efficient.