Across the world ,the older working-age population, made up of 81.5 million persons (26.4 percent).The main objective of our prototype and security is to help handicapped and aged people that will enable them to control home appliances and alert them in critical situations. From our innovation we can attain upshot like
- Flexibility for new devices and appliances.
- Maximizing home security.
- Remote control of home functions.
- Increased energy efficiency.
- Improved appliance functionality.
- Home management insights.
It is designed to overcome physical work by wireless mechanism using bluetooth, where the device can be accessed through mobile phones.

Home automation is a network of hardware, communication, and electronic interfaces that work to integrate everyday devices with one another via the Internet. Each device has sensors and is connected through bluetooth, so you can manage them from your smartphone or tablet whether you’re at home, or miles away. This allows you to turn on the lights, lock the front door, or even turn down the heat, no matter where you are.
In this project, we used HC-05 bluetooth module to enable bluetooth connection.
We preferred arduino nano over uno because of its compact size. 5v 4 channel relay module is used since it can connect upto 4 devices. Our module can be connected via bluetooth with any bluetooth terminal app, which are available in the Google Playstore.An app named “Bluetooth Terminal” is used on the smart phone which is capable of sending text strings to a paired device. Another app named “BT Voice Control for Android” can also be used on the smart phone. The BT Voice app takes voice commands in US English and transfers them as text strings to a paired device. Either of the app will pair with the home automation system through HC-05 Bluetooth Module. Every module has a unique MAC address and a password for pairing with other devices. Like the Bluetooth module used in this project had a MAC address – 98:D3:31:F4:18:22 and had a password “1234” for pairing with other Bluetooth devices.
The process starts with the bluetooth terminal app sending signal to the HC-05 module which in turn, sends signal to the arduino nano board.The Arduino board receives the user commands in the form of numbers from the smart phone through Bluetooth interface. These numbers are assigned to the home appliances and the appliances are toggled either ON or OFF on receiving the numeric command. The Arduino sketch looks for the numeric commands from the Bluetooth module and operates relays to switch appliances.
This initiates the process and the relay module gets the 5v input and it initiates the necessary switching process to ON/OFF devices.
If an appliance is in OFF condition and number representing it is passed through the Bluetooth app, the Arduino switches the logic at the respective pin to HIGH triggering the relay to switch the appliance ON. If an appliance is in ON condition and number representing it is passed through the Bluetooth app, the Arduino switches the logic at the respective pin to LOW driving the relay to switch the appliance OFF.
The numbers are transferred to the interfaced Bluetooth module from the paired smart phone. The smart phone must be paired with the Bluetooth module. Either Bluetooth Terminal or BT Voice app can be used to pass the numeric commands.