This project is used to read the images of the vehicle licence number, convert that licence number to text and store the licence of it in a CSV file with date and time.
This project can be used in parking area to keep track of every vehicle and make parking process easier and to find traffic violators
Libraries required:
- tensorflow>=1.15.2
- keras==2.3.1
- imutils==0.5.3
- numpy==1.18.2
- opencv-python==4.2.0.*
- matplotlib==3.2.1
- scipy==1.4.1
Step 1: Capturing the vehicle’s image – It involves capturing images of a vehicle (including its number plate) using surveillance cameras.
Step 2: Number plate detection – The algorithms get the training to analyze high contrast areas to find license plates. The system turns captured images into gray-scale images.
Step 3: Character segmentation – Character segmentation occurs in two ways. Firstly, using horizontal segmentation (common approach). Secondly, using vertical segmentation.
Step 4: Character recognition – So now comes the last step. It includes recognizing the characters from the segmented image.
The Overall Flow:
Result and Conclusion:
This system use image processing techniques for recognition of the vehicle from the database stored in the computer. The system works satisfactorily for wide variation of conditions and different types of number plates.