Smart Car Parking System Using IoT

Published Dec 11, 2021
 4 hours to build

We are created a Smart Car Parking System Using IoT for Solving daily life parking problem.

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Components Used

Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
Infrared beam sensor
Infrared beam sensor
ESP8266 WiFi Module
ESP8266 is a system on chip (SoC) which provides WIFI capability for embedded applications. This enables internet connectivity to embedded applications. ESP8266 modules are mostly used in Internet of Things(IoT) applications.
Ultrasonic Module HC-SR04
Ultrasonic module HC-SR04 is generally used for finding distance value and obstacle detection. It can operate in the range 2cm-400cm.
SG90 micro servo Motor
DFRobot Accessories 9g micro servo (1.6kg)


The IOT Based Smart Car Parking System Is the Basic Idea to reduce the society jam that occurs in and around the metropolitan areas scheduled by vehicles looking for parking. The anticipated scheme is the amalgamation of smart parking and the slot allotment through the network appliance.

Components and Modules : 

1 NodeMCU (ESP-8266)


3 Ultrasonic Sensor SRF- 04

4 Servo Motor SG90 

5 Infrared Sensor (IR)

 Software Devlopment 

1 Arduino IDE 

2 Blynk Platform  

Now let's Start to Build Our Project Step by Step.

Step 1: Making A Prototype Of Parking Slot.

Fig 1. Building a Prototype of parking system.


Step 2: Connect All IR Sensor To Nodemcu ESP8266 and Program it.


Fig 2. Program the IR and NodeMCU (ESP-8266)

Step 3: Place IR Sensor In each Parking slot Horizontally.

Step 4: Connect Ultrasonic sensor to Servo SG90 For Automatic Opening and closing the Entry and Exit Gate When A Car is Arrived at Gate.

Fig 3. program the arduinoUno and connect the ultrasonic sensor and servo.

STEP 5 - Fix Ultrasonic and Servo to the Gate.

STEP 6 - Now Download the  Blynk Application on Google Play Store.

STEP 7 - Connect Nodemcu ESP8266 to our Mobile Device through Blynk Application.

STEP 8 - Create New Project.


STEP 9 - You wil get Auth Token on your Gmail.


STEP 10 -  Now Select  The LED on Widget Box.

STEP 11 - Next You will Define PIN NO. to the Led.


STEP 12 -  Now Connect Nodemcu ESP8266 Through hotspot and Run The Project

After completion of above steps our project has been successfully run.



Smart car parking system using IOT project report Download
Circuit Diagram of Smart parking System Download

Institute / Organization

Solapur University, Solapur