I have made this project because once I was going to school from my home, I found a truck crashed. When the news came, I got to know that the truck was crushed due to overload. Then I searched for the data of road accidents in India due to overload and came to know that 10% of the total road accidents happen due to truck overload. So first of all, I tried to find out the root cause. I came to know that this problem happens due to some corrupt officers and loopholes. I came to know that whenever the trucks come into the weighing bridge, some workers out there and some corrupt officers pass the overloaded truck without taking any action, which further causes a lot of problems or accidents. Such as, due to overload, the tyres of the truck get heated, which some times the tyre gets burst. This also damages the suspension of the truck and also, at the time of turning, chances of the truck crashing get increased due to many such reasons For all of these reasons, I decided to create this project. and finally created it.
-: Truck accident: - Due to overheating of the wheels :-
-: Truck accident: - Due to suspension damage :-
- - : Truck accident: - While taking turn:-
these are some photos of the accident caused due to overload
Component Used:-
- NodeMCU (ESP8266)
- 5KG Strain Load Cell
Why did I used this component only ?
I used NodeMCU in this project because NodeMCU Dev Kit/board consist of ESP8266 Wi-Fi enabled chip. The ESP8266 is a low-cost Wi-Fi chip developed by Espressif Systems with TCP/IP protocol. and I used Load cell because A load cell measures mechanical force, mainly the weight of objects. Today, almost all electronic weighing scales use load cells for the measurement of weight. They are widely used because of the accuracy with which they can measure the weight.
How Load Cell Works ?
If you’ve ever wondered how load cell sensors work, here’s your answer!.
Load cell principle involves the use of many specific geotechnical instruments. It can’t work without being paired up with sensors, one of them being Strain Gauges Strain Gauges are thin elastic materials made up of stainless steel and are fixed inside the load cells using proprietary adhesives. The strain gauge has a specific resistance that is directly proportional to its length and width. When a force is applied on the load cell, it bends or stretches causing the strain gauge to move with it. And, when the length and cross-section of the strain gauge changes, its electrical resistivity also gets altered, thereby changing the output voltage.
How It Works ?
So it works in such a way that the load cell measures the weight and if the weight is more than the capacity of the truck then it sends mail to higher authorities so that we can prevent accidents
Lets see it in the vector form
How we calculate the Overload ?
So when I was doing research on this topic, I came to know that the same truck goes into the weighing bridge whose weight remains the same. For example, if a 50-ton truck is going to the weighing bridge,
then it will only measure the 50-ton truck. No other truck will be measured. Now the main question arises how do we measure the overload ? so here is the answer
So, as we have just seen that a truck of the same weight is measured in the weighing bridge, let's assume that a truck is 150 ton and its carrying capacity is 200 ton, then the total weight of the truck should be 350 ton. should be. And if a transporter puts 300 ton in it instead of 200 tons, then the total weight of the truck will be 450 tons, and our NodeMCU is already fixed that the weight should not exceed 350 tons, so the 450 ton that happened here became overweight. So now our NodeMCU will send mail to the higher authorities with the help of Blynk that the truck is overloaded.
Connections :-
-:Load Cell to HX711:-
- Red Wire of Load Cell to E+ of HX711 ADC Module
- Black Wire of Load Cell to E- of HX711 ADC Module
- White Wire of Load Cell to A- of HX711 ADC Module
- Green Wire of Load Cell to A+ of HX711 ADC Module
-:HX711 to NodeMCU:-
- GND To G Pin of NodeMCU
- VCC To 3V Pin of NodeMCU
- DT To D5
- SCK To D6
Here is the video of the prototype:-