- Internet of Things (IoT) enables various applications of crop growth monitoring and
selection, automatic irrigation decision support, etc.
- We proposed ESP8266 IoT Automatic irrigation system to modernize and improve the productivity of

the crop. We will use Capacitive Soil Moisture Sensor to measure moisture content present in the soil.
- Similarly to measure Air Temperature and Humidity, we prefer DHT11 Humidity Temperature
- Using a 5V Power relay we will control the Water Pump. Whenever the sensor detects a low quantity
of moisture in the soil, the motor turns on automatically. Hence, will automatically irrigate the field.
- Once the soil becomes wet, the motor turns off. You can monitor all this happening remotely
via Thingspeak Server online from any part of the world.
- If the temperature or moisture of the soil is less than te actual then it alerts the user by sending
an E-mail by using Ifttt platform.