All over the world nearly 35.5 people died due to COVID-19 and till now there are 17.7 Cr covid cases are confirmed. Many of the people don't even have a prior knowledge on social distancing which is the first and foremost way to prevent spread of virus.
A simple social distance reminder ID card will be working very much effective for this pandemic situation.
Key words:
Social distance, light indication, buzzer sound, 1m distance, ID card model.
Circut set up:
- The things we need is Arduino uno a microcontroller, ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04, Jump wires, Buzzer, 5 mm red Led.
- After we built a circuit in Arduino uno a web application by connecting the 4 wires of sensors with the 5,6 pin and with the 5V pin and ground connections . Once these connections are done.
- Connect the led and buzzer with the 13 th pin and to the ground.
- After getting all supplies now you can start connecting all the components in the right way according to the circuit diagram given above.

- Now after completing the above steps we just start glueing components in the right place as shown in the above pictures.
- And finally we can paste it with our old ID cards as such and if we need any details about ourselves we can add a swipe card and we can written over it or we can even paste our visiting card in front of our device.
- As the whole setup is attached to a rope it we can easily carry out this device and it will be easily hang out anywhere.
- Once another person enters into 1 m distance the LED will be Automatically starts blinking if a blind person is wearing this they can be identify by the buzzer sound.
By the above video our social distance reminder ID will be working with a perfect manner and it will be equally benefited in all areas.