Published Sep 18, 2022
 10 hours to build

Here we present an IOT based smart parking system where the user can keep a track of the availability of the parking area with the wireless access to the system by IOT application. The parking place availability information is sent to the users with the help of mobile application.

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Components Used

Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
AK9753 IR sensor
AK9753 is a low power and compact IR (infrared) sensor module.
USB Type A to B Cable
USB Cables / IEEE 1394 Cables USB A-B 28/26 BLACK 1.3 M
MIT app inventer
MIT App Inventor is a web application interfaced
Google Firebase
Google firebase is a cloud platform. We can connect these cloud to our project and see real time data anywhere in the world.

The identity of things for Connecting various devices is the idea from which IOT started. The two  prominent words comprises IOT " internet " and " things". Receiving, sending of information  or communicate with devices has enabled by internet. Transfer data through network is the ability of Internet of things (IOT) without human interaction. Transferring data to the clouds are allowed by IOT and also help the users to use wireless technology .The traffic congestion is the Major problem that is being faced now a days. According to recent survey, over 1.6 billions of vehicle's population will be increase rapidly around 2035.And one million barrels of oil is burnt everyday all around the world. To reduce the wastage of fuel and the time of users when they searching for the availability of space in the parking area , done by the key solution smart parking system using IOT .In this , the data is collected from the IR sensor whether the object is detected or not and send it to the Arduino . After that, the Arduino gives the command instructions to the Node MCU to indicate the availability of parking space to the users with the help of MIT mobile application. This notifies the users, about where there is a space for parking. It reduces the time and effort of the users. This project consists of three major parts. Parking area is the first part where the arduino along with IR sensor collect data where the availability of space. Cloud web service which is the mediator between the users and the parking area is the second section. Third section is about users side where they are notified for the availability of parking space via node MCU & mobile application.




When the IR sensor detect the object (car) , it give signal to Arduino board which is the controlling unit of the system. Then Arduino controls the node MCU to indicate the availability of space in the parking slot to the users through the mobile application with the help of Firebase .






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Institute / Organization

Kumaraguru college of Technology