These are small 4 bots which can be used for multiple purposes like sorting objects, lifting them up and displacing them to their destination.
We have used Arduino Uno as a micro controller in each of the bot. Then we have paired all the bots to our laptop through Bluetooth module. We have also used types of motor like - L2N8 motor driver, BO motor, Gear motor.
Our main aim was to connect all the bots with each other, so that by giving the single command they can work automatically.
Software Requirements
1) Arduino Ide
2) Visual Studio code
3) Python 3.6.9
In the software part we are using pygame library of python, in which we have created a game involving car and making it run in the same pattern as our hardware bot will run.
In Arduino IDE we have used byte command through which we have interfaced the python code and hardware code which we eventually upload in the bots.
Finally as we run our laptop program game , our hardware bots also follows the same path without any manual control.
For seeing our work, please visit the you tube link -