Watering a plant is more important for its growth. In this manner we designed a smart as well as self-watering system for plants. The heart of the system is MC60 module, this module comes under SOC (System on Chip) and it is a 2G module of mobile to mobile communication (M2M). This system includes soil moisture sensor and DC motor as a water pump for water flow. Based on the moisture content in the soil the motor will turn ON and OFF accordingly more we will discuss below.
The main component in this system is MC 60 module. This system is provided with power supply of 5-9 V. The power supply circuit were discussed in the schematic. This system is designed under low power consumption concept. One of the key feature is MC 60 module is low powered, small size and maintain easily. The soil moisture sensor is used to measure\detect the soil moisture and works accordingly with the systems. Soil moisture sensor is connected with MC 60 module to get moisture level in the soil, where plant was. DC motor (water pump) is connected with the module which is used here is for hydrating the soil and for plant. The DC water pump is connected through relay and transistor. When the digital data from soil moisture sensor, based on the condition specified in the module the water pump is either ON or OFF. If the data is high, pump will on for some time and low then works accordingly.
- Place the soil moisture sensor in the soil pot.
- Fix the separate water pot attached with soil pot.
- Always maintain the water in the pot.
1. Less power consumption
2. Low maintenance
3. Easy installation
4. Low cost
5. Ultra compact in size
while using MC 60 module we need some pre requirement software's such as GCC compiler and EAGLE because this module is programmed in the language called embedded C for faster response and accuracy. After that if we bought an MC 60 module we are in need of header files, those header files were given by QUECTEL, the manufacturer of MC 60 module, they provide the module with SDK file. After all this done, program your MC 60 module along with SDK files and use it for your applications.