Arduino Uno is the central and main component of our project as it sends information on the internet. Vibration sensor and Moisture sensors are deployed which detects the moisture in the soil or any vibration on that part of the land.
A critical value is set for Moisture level in the soil and whenever the value exceeds the critical value it is considered as a notification for an upcoming landslide.
The output of the moisture sensor is analog, so ADC is used and values are sent to Arduino. The values are displayed on the LCD device. The buzzer beeps whenever the moisture level becomes above the threshold
value. The information from the Arduino is taken by the WiFi module and is continuously
being updated on the webpage through a network of IoT.
The information stored in telemetry compares data which is given by the sensors
to the data which is already stored in the database. Telemetry based software that we have used is called ThingSpeak. It's an open-source IOT application that is used to store and compare data over
the internet via Local Area Network. ThingSpeak application makes it easier for us to visualize data in the form of graphs and compare the data easily.
According to the data, an alert or notification is provided to the user via an SMS.
First of all, we have to start the system by giving the power supply to the circuit set the threshold values
for all the sensors then by monitoring all the data from the sensors and comparing the resulted values from
the sensors with the threshold values we can get the output accordingly.
If the output of the sensor is greater than the threshold value the condition becomes true - the buzzer will turn on and the display will show danger on the LCD screen and also via SMS.
But for the false condition, it will display nothing on LCD. In this way monitoring, real-time data transfer from
the control system to pc, and the process comes to an end.