- RFID module is powered using a micro USB pin external adapter.
- LM7809 voltage regulator supplies a constant 5V to the Arduino UNO.
- The connections are given as per the schematics.
- The RC522 sensor is powered from a 5V pin of the Arduino UNO.
- LM7809 supplies the constant 5V from an external source to the Arduino and Node MCU.
- Two GPIO pins in Arduino are connected to the ESP 8266 for data communication.
- If the RFID tag is read by the RC522 sensor, it sends a message to the Arduino and it turns sends the signal to the esp8266.
- Message is transferred wirelessly to the respective Data Management system.
- Here we used Google Sheet as a Management system that stores the messages in the sheet with respective time sessions.
- In order to use this method, we must have an active internet connection to transfer data from esp8266 to sheets.
- By this Method, we can record the Attendance of the student and manage it.