Humanoid Robot

Published Jul 25, 2024
 24 hours to build

I have developed a versatile robot capable of raising and lowering its hands, moving its head, and navigating forwards and backwards. This robot can be controlled remotely via Bluetooth using a mobile phone, making it ideal for deployment in hazardous environments where human presence is not possible.

display image

Components Used

Servo Motor MG995
Servo Motor MG995
Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
L298N Motor driver
L298N is a high current, high voltage dual full bridge motor driver. It is useful for driving inductive loads.
LED 5mm
LED 5mm
12V Battery
12V Battery: A 12V battery is a power source that provides 12 volts of electrical energy. It is commonly used in robotics to power motors, microcontrollers, and other components due to its high energy capacity and portability.
  • Building a versatile, Bluetooth-controlled robot involves several key steps, from gathering components to programming and assembling the robot. Here is a step-by-step guide to building such a robot. Refer the below link for the video.



Mr. Flexi:


Circuit Connection


#include <Servo.h>

int motleft1 = 2;
int motleft2 = 3;
int motright1 = 4;
int motright2 = 5;
Servo myservo1;  // create servo object to control a servo
Servo myservo2;
Servo myservo3;
int servo1 = 6;  // define the pin for the servo
int servo2 = 7;
int servo3 = 8;
void setup()
  // Defining pins for the movement of motors
  pinMode(motleft1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(motleft2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(motright1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(motright2, OUTPUT);
  myservo1.attach(servo1);  // attaches the servo on pin 6 to the servo object
  pinMode(13, OUTPUT);

char incomingByte = 0;

void loop()
  if (Serial.available())
    incomingByte =;
    digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
    if (incomingByte == 'f')  // Forward
      digitalWrite(motleft1, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(motleft2, LOW);
      digitalWrite(motright1, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(motright2, LOW);
    else if (incomingByte == 'l') // Left
      digitalWrite(motleft1, LOW);
      digitalWrite(motleft2, LOW);
      digitalWrite(motright1, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(motright2, LOW);
    else if (incomingByte == 'r') // Right
      digitalWrite(motleft1, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(motleft2, LOW);
      digitalWrite(motright1, LOW);
      digitalWrite(motright2, LOW);
    else if (incomingByte == 'b') // Backward
      digitalWrite(motleft1, LOW);
      digitalWrite(motleft2, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(motright1, LOW);
      digitalWrite(motright2, HIGH);
    else if (incomingByte == 'p') // Stop
      digitalWrite(motleft1, LOW);
      digitalWrite(motleft2, LOW);
      digitalWrite(motright1, LOW);
      digitalWrite(motright2, LOW);
    else if (incomingByte == '1') // Servo Up
      myservo1.write(0);  // set servo to 0 degrees
      Serial.println("servo up");
    else if (incomingByte == '4') // Servo Down
      myservo1.write(90);  // set servo to 90 degrees
      Serial.println("servo down");
     else if (incomingByte == '2') // Servo Up
      myservo2.write(0);  // set servo to 0 degrees
      Serial.println("servo up");
    else if (incomingByte == '5') // Servo Down
      myservo2.write(90);  // set servo to 90 degrees
      Serial.println("servo down");
     else if (incomingByte == '3') // Servo Up
      myservo3.write(0);  // set servo to 0 degrees
      Serial.println("servo up");
    else if (incomingByte == '6') // Servo Down
      myservo3.write(90);  // set servo to 90 degrees
      Serial.println("servo down");

1. Gather Components:

  • Arduino Uno 
  • Servo Motors (for hands and head movement) 
  • DC Motors with wheels (for forward and backward movement)
  • Motor Driver L298N 
  • Bluetooth Module (HC-05) 
  • LED
  • 12V Battery
  • Chassis (robot body)
  • Jumper wires
  • Breadboard or PCB
  • Smartphone (with Bluetooth control app)

2. Assemble the Chassis:

  • Attach the DC motors to the chassis and connect the wheels.
  • Secure the servo motors to the chassis for hand and head movements.
  • Ensure all motors are firmly attached and can move freely.

3. Connect the Motors to the Motor Driver:

  • Connect the DC motors to the outputs of the L298N motor driver.
  • Connect the motor driver inputs to the appropriate pins on the Arduino.
  • Connect the 12V battery to the motor driver to power the motors.

4. Connect the Servo Motors to the Arduino:

  • Connect the signal wires of the servo motors to the PWM pins on the Arduino.
  • Provide power and ground connections to the servo motors from the Arduino or an external power source.

5. Set Up the Bluetooth Module:

  • Connect the Bluetooth module to the Arduino. Typically, the RX pin of the Bluetooth module goes to the TX pin of the Arduino and the TX pin to the RX pin of the Arduino.
  • Power the Bluetooth module from the Arduino or an external power source.

6. Connect the LED:

  • Connect an LED to one of the digital pins of the Arduino through a current-limiting resistor.

7. Program the Arduino:

  • Write a program for the Arduino to control the motors, servos, and LED based on Bluetooth commands received from the smartphone.


Humanoid_Robot_Circuit_diagram Download
3D design of model Download

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