Here first the solar energy is collected form the solar panel.
It is stored in the 9 v rechargeable battery through LM7809 voltage regulator.
The node mcu (ESP 8266) is powered using the 9v rechargeable battery.
The connections are given as per the schematics.
The Infrared sensor is connected to the D0 pin.
The power supply for the sensor is given through the 3.3v pin of the NodeMCU and respective ground is connected to the GND pin of the NodeMcu.
The The infrared sensors are used to detect the level of garbage in each bin, and it will send this information to the ESP8266 which acts as controller.
If the dustbin is full a SMS and call is sent to the mobile by using ESP8266.
The system makes use of ESP866 to transmit the data.
The system is powered by a 12V solar panel and a 9V rechargeable battery. The SMS consists of text related to all the garbage bins.