Once the system is setup we need to install Arduino IDE (integrated development environment) software which is an open – source software program that allows users to write and upload code within real time work environment.
Here we will learn how to make an IOT based Car Parking Slot monitoring system.
Using Arduino, Nodemcu esp8266. Wi-Fi module and Blynk application. With the help of Nodemcu esp8266 Wi-Fi module and Blynk application, the parking slots can be monitored from anywhere around the world.

Where parking lot we have 4 slots and every slot has one infrared sensor. So we have in total 4 infrared sensors. Each sensor is used to detect the presence of Car in the Slot.
These infrared sensors are connected with the Arduino. So when a Car is parked in the slot, the Arduino sends a command to the Nodemcu esp8266 Wi-Fi module, then Nodemcu sends the command to the Blynk application. Where parking slot 1 will be filled when the car is parked in the slot and if the remaining slots are empty then the status of the parking lot will be available in the blynk app so that the other user can park the vehicle in the available parking slot. Even while entering the parking area we have another display (LCD display) which display the status of slots that how many slots are filled and how many slots are empty.