The LED Distance Indicator

Published Jul 23, 2024
 0 hours to build

indicates the distance of the object through LED. Helpful in security sectors.

display image

Components Used

Breadboard Half Size
Breadboard Half Size
Connecting Wire Jumper Wires
Connecting Wire Breadboard wires
Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
Ultrasonic Module HC-SR04
Ultrasonic module HC-SR04 is generally used for finding distance value and obstacle detection. It can operate in the range 2cm-400cm.
LED 5mm
LED 5mm
LED red
Emits The Red Colour
LED yellow
used to show very moderate distance between sensor and object
LED green
Emits The green Colour
Ultrasonic sensor
The ultrasonic sensor measures distance by emitting ultrasonic waves and detecting their reflection, providing accurate proximity data. It's commonly used in obstacle detection and avoidance applications for robots and automation systems.

Distance Indicator through Ultrasonic sensor and LEDs

It is often seen in security areas that being alert is a major concern. This project is a small-scale version of my idea since my idea needs certain governmental acceptance to be implemented (if selected). 

In security areas such as base camps, an alerting system is required that can perform silent action. Use of loudspeakers is being made but this project is a better version.

Circuit Connection

It uses an ultrasonic sensor which would measure distance and even generate signals. This signal would be passed on to the controller and then executed by the LEDs on the basis of distance. Here range of distance is taken as: >30 green; <30 and >15 yellow; <15 and >0 red. (all units in cm). 

This project is affordable and can be easily set up. If an object is far away from the base camp, then a green light will power up, when the object is at a moderate distance then a yellow light will power up and if the object is very near, a red light will power up. it will alert the person on the monitoring system that now it is the time of action as maybe danger is near.

Further to add the use of loudspeaker we can easily connect such noise generating devices.

This project requires basic coding and does not have any greater issue of being hacked. Use of ultrasonic sensor makes it more suitable as we can know the exact distance of the object on serial monitor.


please refer to the video for detailed explanation




the_secret_of_distance_indicator Download