Development of an EMG signal acquisition and supervision interface

Published May 28, 2020
 100 hours to build

The goal of our work is to develop an electromyogram signal acquisition and processing system application consisting of a part of LabVIEW, a mobile part with the use of the IoT Blynk platform and a third party web site.

display image

Components Used

Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
ESP32 DevKitC 32E
ESP32 DevKitC 32E
Capteur MyoWare
muscle sensor

System Design

The goal of our work is to develop an electromyogram signal acquisition and processing system application consisting of a part of LabVIEW (which consists of acquiring the EMG signal and performing its analysis in the time and frequency domain) and a mobile part with the use of the IOT Blynk platform (interface for acquisition and supervision of EMG signals) and a third party web site (EMG signal acquisition platform).

Block diagram of an EMG signal processing platform


To start, we connect the EMG electrodes to our MyoWare acquisition card which collects diagnostic data from the human body using an ESP32 card, then we connect the system to our PC via a USB cable to program our microcontroller by one of the three programs that we have already prepared (program which consists in the acquisition through a USB cable, program for the acquisition via Wi-fi and another for the acquisition and the communication web server) and according to the program we will use l 'corresponding interface. A LabVIEW interface for the user (doctor or patient) using a computer, a Blynk cloud interface for smartphones and tablets and a web interface for all users.

System Block

The cycle of our project

We used the Arduino Software (IDE) to program our ESP32 card and after uploading the code and setting the upload speed to 115200 baud we can see the acquisition values in real time on the monitor software series and the real-time curve on the software series plotter.

Serial Monitor for diagnosis

The serial monitor and serial plotter of the Arduino Software (IDE) are used for the verification of the good functioning of our acquisition system but so that we can exploit the EMG signal and its values, we have produced three different interfaces using three types of communication and data sending (via USB, Wifi and web server)



Our application allows the user to offer some processing, namely the acquisition and supervision of the EMG signal and its temporal and frequency analysis in an easy, secure, inexpensive manner and with an option of storing information in a database. as well as secure. 



LabView Graphic Code for Signal Acquisition and processing






We will try to select a few windows that we think are important to integrate them into the project.

Welcome window
Authentication interface
Registration window
Home interface
Time Analysis window
Frequency analysis window
Documentation window
Help window
data base

Creation of the web platform

Our web platform aims to acquire and supervise an EMG signal in real time and wirelessly (via wifi and IP addresses) it is a very interesting and very useful advantage on the one hand offers remote control which greatly facilitates the work of doctor i.e. it is enough to mount the sensor on the patient's muscle and the doctor can see the acquisition remotely through his PC on the other hand offers the possibility of multiple access ie - say several doctors can share our platform without any problem and see the acquisition at the same time.

home page
Authentication interface
Registration window
Registration message
Patient list window
Acquisition window

Blynk interface

Blynk was designed for the Internet of Things. It can control hardware remotely, it can display sensor data, it can store data, view it and do a lot of other cool stuff. And the person responsible for all communications between the smartphone and the hardware is the Blynk Server. This is why we chose this platform to make an interface which is used to acquire and supervise an EMG signal by using a MyoWare sensor and an ESP32 card as hardware connected on WIFI.

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