IoT based individual vehicle pollution monitoring system

Published Jun 07, 2020
 3 hours to build

An improved IoT based individual vehicle monitoring system to keep track of excessive emission and air pollution.

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Components Used

ESP8266 WiFi Module
ESP8266 is a system on chip (SoC) which provides WIFI capability for embedded applications. This enables internet connectivity to embedded applications. ESP8266 modules are mostly used in Internet of Things(IoT) applications.
MQ2 Gas Sensor
MQ2 is a gas sensor used for gas leakage detection.
MQ7 Gas Sensor
MQ7 is a gas sensor used for detecting carbon monoxide.
MQ135 Gas Sensor
MQ135 is a gas sensor used for gas detection and air quality control.
Arduino Nano
Arduino Nano


Global air pollution is one of the major concerns of our era. One of the major factor of air pollution is harmful pollutant emitted by vehicles.

Each and every vehicle emits pollutant of certain standards, but the main problem arises when they exceed the standard norms. The actual cause for the violation of emission levels is the incomplete combustion of fuel inside the engine which is mainly due to the improper maintenance of vehicles. This emission from vehicles cannot be completely avoided, but it can be definitely controlled. 

To overcome the problems of existing systems, a system is proposed to monitor emission level of individual vehicles. An IoT kit is prepared using gas sensors, Arduino integrated development environment (IDE), and a Wi-Fi module.

This kit can be physically placed in exhaust system of every vehicles. The gas sensors gathers data from exhaust of vehicle and forward the data to the Arduino IDE. The Arduino IDE transmits the data to the cloud via the Wi-Fi module. A server is also designed which keeps the information about the emission level of every vehicles so that RTO can access relevant data from the server. The controller continuously monitors the emission of the vehicles and if its emission exceeds standard norms a notification is generated and is interpreted by RTO. Hence using these pollution control circuit emission of individual vehicles can be monitored which helps in reducing the pollution level.

Steps to bulid the project

  1. The first thing you need to do is to open the Arduino IDE and go to ->Files->Preferences.Write against the Additional URL board manager-
  2. Again in the IDE, go to Tools->Boards->BoardsManager and click on it.In the search box type, esp8266  and install the only file shown in result.Now you are ready with the IDE.
  3. Now you need to set up the circuit on the bread board as shown in the schematic below.

4. Again in the IDE, go to Tools->Boards and   ,go to the Tools and look for the upload speed, it should be 115200.This is the default baud rate for ESP8266-01 WiFi module.

5. In Tools, go to Ports and select the right port (usually COM3/4 in Windows) by checking in the control panel.

6. Copy the code(sketch) given below and paste it in the Sketch area in Arduino IDE. Only change the username, password (for internet)and API key (in ThinkSpeak cloud platform copy and paste it)in the code. Images provided for reference.

8. Before compiling and uploading the sketch to the Uno, make sure the transmission and receiver pin from the ESP8266-01 Wi-Fi module is not connected to the Arduino Uno board.

9.After the uploading,(in the black tab below you can see the message 'Done uploading') attach the Transmitter pin to the receiver pin of Uno and the Receiver pin of WiFi module to Transmitter pin of Uno.

10. You can see the results in the COM Port. The ThingSpeak graphs can also be exported on the website which you can make for monitoring vehicles and extend the project application further. 



Output Window

You can see the results only if the internet connection is available and sets up with the Wi-fi module.





Hardware setup Download
API key in ThinkSpeak Download
Change these credentials Download
Cloudgraphonwebsite Download
Vehicleownerdetailsonwebsite Download

Institute / Organization

AISSMS IOIT, Shivajinagar,Pune-411001