Speech-to-text Notice Board using LED Matix

Published May 30, 2020
 3 hours to build

We have developed a notice board using LED Matrix display to which speech input is provided using Google Assistant. This input is converted to text output using Google's speech-to-text feature and then displayed on the LED display. The aim of this project is to digitalise the traditional use of paper-pin notice boards in Educational Institutes, offices, etc. We have used a Node MCU microcontroller which helps the system to connect to the Wi-Fi. Software components are Arduino IDE, C language.

display image

Components Used

8x8 Dot Matrix LED Display
LED Displays & Accessories Dot Matrix Yel 588nm Common Anode



The project aims at designing a LED based scrolling message display controlled from an android mobile phone. The proposed system makes use of Google’s technology to communicate using an android phone with the LED display board. This project is to develop an embedded system, which is used for instant information display using LED by using android Gmail module. A standard LED display board consists of led lights arranged in 8 rows x 8 columns. These display units are capable of displaying messages of multiple kinds including alphabetic, alphanumeric, numbers etc., in static or scrolling formats.

The main objective of the project using Gmail module we can send message to any distant location and to develop a wireless notice board that display notice in the form of text. Consume less power and easy to operate also notification can be delivered in within second. The voice calling feature can be added with the proposed system as a further enhancement for using the system.


LED display system aims at revolutionizing the use of traditional wooden, pin-paper notice boards in educational institutions like schools and colleges. Notice boards are required in almost every commercial building as well as schools and all other educational institutions.  The use of traditional notice boards is becoming a problem, as they usually go unnoticed resulting in missed notices. Also, the traditional notice display requires typing, editing, printing and getting authorization done manually which is a really tedious job to do. So, these notice boards clearly need a technology driven upgrade, catering to the modern digitalization needs. This is an IOT based project that focuses on the use of speech to voice input method to display Notices on an LED matrix based Notice board as output. We have projected our ideas to implement Speech to text conversion using Google Assistant and display the resultant output. This saves time and eliminates chances of forged authorization with the help of a secure Google account. 



Educational institutions still use attendance registers for managing student’s attendance. The teacher has to call out names during the lecture time. Increased number of students causes wastage of reasonable amount of time from the valuable lecture time.

Provides a systematic and effective solution for administrator/lecturer to manage the students’ attendance records 


1.  Create adafruit account

2.   sign in (create account)

3.  enter username, password

4.  after sign up open welcome dashboard

5.  create a new block (+) in blue colour  and select text

6.   type feed name and click next

7.  LED matrix

8.  create block

9.  go to dashboard

10. view  AIO key and copy it

11.  paste it on program with user name

12.  to set-up a Google Assistant go to IFTTT.com

13.  create account on it and select my applet -->new applet

14.  click on "+  blue color"  and search for Google assistant --> contact --> select account and allow it


15 . On IFTTT.com home page

16 .Create account

17 . click the "THIS" Button

18. search for Google assistant

19. select Google assistant

20. Give a phrase with a text  ingredient

21.  change Matrix to $ (action key which you will later speak/type for giving input)

22.  Then enter what you want the assistant to say in response (before displaying output).

23. "ok done".

24. create Trigger.

25. click button.



1.  click "THEN" button

2. search for adafruit 

3. connect

4. authorize click button

5. send data to adafruit 10

6.  select LED Matrix in feed name

7.  on data to save write text field

8.  select create action

9.  click on finish




LED Matrix Display



Circuit Diagram



Box Fitting


Box Fitting 2


LED display system is aimed at the colleges and universities for displaying day-to-day information continuously or at regular intervals during the working hours.

The LED display is easy to expand and it allows the user to add more displays at any time and at any location dependent or requirement.



Google Assistance 

Example 1: 

Google Assistance "MIT"


Example 2:

Google Assistance "VIT"




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Institute / Organization

MAEERs MIT Polytechnic, Pune