Variable frequency generator generates different waves like sine, square, triangular, saw-tooth. Also we can change the frequency of these waves by variable resistor. Four switches are provided for selecting wave.
Circuit Diagram

Project Working
- Four switches are given to select the wave
- When button is pressed particular wave pattern is select given to that switch.
- Variable pot is provided to change frequency
- Inbuilt ADC is used to read the values of variable pot. To know more about ADC
- Inbuilt DAC is used to generate different wave-forms.To know more about DAC
Sine wave:
- When a1=1 sine wave is selected. We get value of potentiometer in range of 0 to 1, so convert it from 0 to 100 multiply it by 100.
- Put this value of 'A' in sine function to get different frequencies.
while(a1==1) //For generating sine wave
for (n=0;n<A;n++)
Aout= 0.5 + 0.5*sin(n*2*pi/A); //note the 0.5 V of offset since DAC outputs voltage between 0 and 3.3V
Square wave:
- When a2 is '1' square wave is selected. To get different delay Ain is divided by 10 so we get delay in range of 0 to 0.1 Sec.
while(a2==1) //for generating square wave
Triangular wave:
- We get value of potentiometer in range of 0 to 1, so convert it from 0 to 100 multiply Ain by 100 and get A.
- Divide i by A so that we get Aout in range of 0 to 1.
while(a3==1) //for generating trianguler wave
for (i = 0.00; i < A; i++)
Aout = (float)i /A;
for (i = A-1.00; i > 0.00; i--)
Aout = (float)i / A;
Saw-tooth wave:
- Divide i by (Ain*100) to get Aout in range of 0 to 1.
while(a4==1) //for generating saw-tooth wave
for (i = 0.00; i < (Ain*100); i++)
Aout = (float)i / (Ain*100);