GPS tracker_ obstacle avoidance

Published Jun 02, 2020
 3 hours to build

GPS TRACKER: It consist of nodemcu, blynk app and neo 6m gps module code, through which you can trace your exact location via simple coding. & obstacle avoidance using sonar sensor is used to detect proximity objects to avoid collision.

display image

Components Used

em-506 GPS Module
EM-506 is a GPS receiver module by USGlobalSat. It provides high sensitivity and performance even in dense areas.
blynkk app


 It consist of NodeMCU, Blynk App and neo 6m GPS module code, through which you can trace your exact location via simple coding. code is attached herewith. Do look for video for demonstration.

GPS systems are extremely versatile and can be found in almost any industry sector. They can be used to map forests, help farmers harvest their fields, and navigate rovers on the ground.

Global positioning system applications generally fall into 5 major categories: Location - determining a position Navigation - getting from one location to another Tracking - monitoring object or personal movement Mapping - creating maps of the world Timing - bringing precise timing to the world The NEO-6M GPS module is a well-performing complete GPS receiver with a built-in 25 x 25 x 4mm ceramic antenna, which provides a strong satellite search capability. With the power and signal indicators, you can monitor the status of the module. Thanks to the data backup battery, the module can save the data when the main power is shut down accidentally. Its 3mm mounting holes can ensure easy assembly.

I have made a app using customized Blynk App, which has several fields like latitude, longitude, speed , direction, satellite, maps through which it is easy for user to trace.

Circuit Diagram

Used GPS sensor, Pin connections are small and already dedicated in code. Refer code and video. Explained there properly.

static const int RXPin = 4, TXPin = 5;   // GPIO 4=D2(conneect Tx of GPS) and GPIO 5=D1(Connect Rx of GPS)



Part 1:

Part 2:






Obstacle Avoidance

It again consist of Blynk app, sonar sensor and NodeMCU which help in tracing the object in proximity of device. several condition is also given according to which it tells the user about status, inbuilt map is also used to trace the location.

Several fields like red Blynk(in app) -> distance< 10 yellow(in app) -> 10<distance<=30 green(in app)-> 30<distance<=50 if distance is less than 10, it will again show a pop up message that object is very near to it.

Circuit Diagram

Used sonar sensor & esp8266 module:

Pin connections are small and already dedicated in code. Refer code and video. Explained there properly

#define trigPin D0
#define echoPin D1
#define led D2


Video for obstacle avoidance

APP LOOK (customized Blynk App)

Screenshot App


For further reference I have check this: Google Drive Link

