8051 is an 8-bit microcontroller of the MCS-51 family first introduced by Intel, it is on-chip computer with 4 Kbytes of ROM and 128 Bytes of RAM
8051 microcontroller programming using Keil µVision IDE
8051 has an inbuilt UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter) which is used to transmit and receive data bit by bit serially.
8051 microcontroller provides features of power down and Idle mode to improve power consumption efficiency.
8051 microcontrollers have two timers/counters, which can be used as either timer to generate delay or counter to count external events.
8051 has an interrupt system which can handle internal as well as external interrupts with priority.
LCD16x2 has two lines with 16 characters in each line. LCD16x2 generally used for printing values and string in embedded applications.
LCD16x2 can be interfaced by using 4 data lines, which saves GPIO pins.
LCD16x2 can display user-defined custom characters. This can be used for displaying symbols and different patterns.
GLCD 128x64 is a Graphical LCD having a 128x64 pixel resolution. It is used to display custom character, values, text with different fonts, binary images.
EM18 RFID reader module is used to read 125 kHz RFID card wirelessly for a very short distance. It is generally used in applications like attendance system, access management, tracking of goods, etc.
MT8870 is a DTMF (Dual Tone Multi-Frequency) receiver, which decodes the dial tone generated from the telephone keypad. It used in interactive voice response systems (IVRS), Remote control, Credit card systems, etc.
The keypad is an input device which generally used in applications such as calculator, ATM machines, computer, etc.
Interfaced GPS receiver module with 8051 and display the Time, Latitude, Longitude, and Altitude info on LCD20x4 display. 8051 read the data serially from GPS receiver using USART communication with 9600 Baud rate.
Bluetooth is a wireless communication protocol used to communicate over short distances. Here we design a smartphone-controlled LED using the HC-05 Bluetooth module.
SIM900A GSM module is a communication device which is used to make or receive calls, send or receive SMS, connecting to the internet over GPRS.
PIR motion sensor senses the Infrared signal radiated from moving human or animal body. It is generally used to detect the motions of human or animal.
Interface single wire DHT11 sensor with 8051 and read the value of Temperature and Humidity from DHT11. Display these Temperature and Humidity values on the LCD 16x2.
The ultrasonic module HC-SR04 is generally used for finding distance value and obstacle detection. It can operate in the range of 2-400cm.
DC Motor is a device that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. It is used in the robotics field, toys, quadcopters, etc.
Servo motor is an electromechanical device which consists of a Motor, Gear assembly, and feedback circuitry. It is used in Robotics applications, airplanes, rudders, quadcopters, etc.
Interfacing Stepper motor with 8051 and rotate it clockwise and anti-clockwise. Here, we are using a ULN2003 driver which is used to drive a stepper motor.