Particle Photon GPIO, ADC, DAC, PWM.

GPIO of Photon

GPIO (General Purpose Input Output) pins can be used as input or output and allow particle photon to connect with general purpose I/O devices.

  • In particle photon, there are total 18 GPIO lines available for the user.
  • We can program these pins according to our needs to interact with external devices.

Basic GPIO Functions


  • This function is used to configure the pin’s mode to behave as Input (INPUT), Input with pull up resistor (INPUT_PULLUP), or Output (OUTPUT).


  • This function is used to write a HIGH or a LOW value to a digital pin.


  • This function is used to read the digital signal from the specified digital pin.

To know more about GPIO functions and their parameters you can refer Input/Output Functions.


Let’s write a program to blink an On-board LED of Particle Photon when the switch is pressed.


int button = D0;                      // switch is connected to D0
int LED = D7;                         // LED is connected to D7

void setup()
  pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);               // sets pin as output
  pinMode(button, INPUT_PULLDOWN);    // sets pin as input

void loop()
  // blink the LED when switch is pressed
  while(digitalRead(button) == HIGH) {
  digitalWrite(LED, HIGH);          // sets the LED on
  delay(200);                       // waits for 200mS
  digitalWrite(LED, LOW);           // sets the LED off
  delay(200);                       // waits for 200mS

ADC of Photon

Particle photon has inbuilt 12-bit ADC with 8 channels (ADC0 to ADC7) i.e. it has eight ADC input pins as shown in the image below to read analog voltage from external device/sensor.

This means that it will map input voltages between 0 and 3.3 volts into integer values between 0 and 4095. This yields a resolution between readings of 0.8 mV per unit (i.e. 3.3 V / 4096).

ADC Channels/Pins


ADC Pins on photon board


The ADC channels on photon board are multiplexed with the SPI, DAC and WKP pins.

ADC Function


  • This function is used to read the analog signal from the specified Analog pin (pin).

To know more about ADC and their functions, you can refer Particle Photon ADC.



  • Let’s build an application which can be used to vary the brightness of LED connected to D3 using a Potentiometer.
  • The potentiometer gives varying voltage which is applied to the ADC channel (here A0).


Int LED = D3;              // LED connected to digital pin D3
Int analogPin = A0;       // potentiometer connected to analog pin A0
intval = 0;        // variable to store the read values

void setup()
	pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);      // sets the ledPin as output

void loop()
	val = analogRead(analogPin);  // read the analogPin values go from 0 to 4095
	analogWrite(LED, val/16);  // Generate PWM from values from 0 to 255


DAC of Photon

  • Digital to Analog Converter (DAC) is mostly used to generate analog signals (e.g. sine wave, triangular wave etc.) from digital values.
  • In Particle Photon there are total 2 On-Board DAC Pins available, ADC6 (DAC1 or A6) and ADC3 (DAC2 or A3). We can set the output of DAC from 0 to 3.3Volt which corresponds to digital values from 0 – 4095.

DAC Function

analogWrite(DAC_pin, Value)

  • This function is used to set the analog value between 0-3.3V which corresponds to digital values 0-4095.

To know more about DAC and their functions, you can refer Particle Photon DAC.



Let’s generate a periodic analog signal which will in between 0-3.3 V on DAC pin.


int value;
void setup() {
	pinMode(DAC1, OUTPUT);  //use DAC1 pin as a output pin

void loop(){
    value = 0;
    while ( value != 4095 )     //increament value till noe equal to 4095
    	analogWrite(DAC1, value);
    	value++;                //increament value by one

    while ( value != 0 )        //decreament value till noe equal to 0
     	analogWrite(DAC1, value);
       value--;                //decreament value by one


PWM of Photon

  • Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) is a technique by which width of a pulse is varied while keeping the frequency of the wave constant.
  • Particle Photon has On-board 9 pins or channels (i.e. D0, D1, D2, D3, A4, A5, WKP, RX and TX) for PWM generation.

PWM Function

analogWrite(pin, value)

  • This function is used for generating PWM on PWM digital pins (pins D0, D1, D2, D3, A4, A5, WKP, RX and TX) for Particle Photon.
  •  Value  It is an integer value in the range of 0 to 255.

To know more about PWM and their functions, you can visit Particle Photon PWM.


  • Let’s build an application which will vary the LED brightness continuously using PWM on Particle Photon.
  • LED should be connected to one of the PWM channels (here D1).


intledPin = D1;        // LED connected to digital pin D1
int brightness = 0;     // how bright the LED is
intfadeAmount = 5;     // how many points to fade the LED by

void setup()
	pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);      // sets the pin as output

void loop()
	analogWrite(ledPin, brightness);

  // change the brightness for next time through the loop:
	brightness = brightness + fadeAmount;

  // reverse the direction of the fading at the ends of the fade:
	if (brightness <= 0 || brightness >= 255) {
		fadeAmount = -fadeAmount;
  // wait for 30 milliseconds to see the dimming effect


Components Used

Particle Photon